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New AFP course to help amplify women’s voices in fleet sector

The Association of Fleet Professionals (AFP), which is exhibiting at this year’s Great British Fleet Event, has launched a new training course to amplify women’s voices in the fleet sector.

Launched on International Women’s Day, the course will help tackle the current underrepresentation of women at fleet events by giving delegates the tools to speak confidently and clearly in public.

Lorna McAtear, head of fleet at National Grid and board director at the AFP, said: “We have many talented and otherwise confident women within the AFP and the fleet sector in general who, we have found, are not keen on public speaking. This came to light last year when we were planning our 2022 conference and invited several women to speak but found that many were reluctant to do so.

“We’d like to help change this situation and the course aims to provide women in fleet with the tools to step forward and be confident about expressing their views whether in a team meeting, board meeting or more publicly.”

The new ‘Accelerate – Women’s Voices in Fleet’ course runs over two days and is being held on 19-20 April at the British Motor Museum, Gaydon. Modules cover subjects including confidence, courage, clarity and content.

Delegates will also have the opportunity to become participants in panels for the AFP Conference in May.

McAtear said: “We appreciate that stepping outside of your comfort zone requires bravery and the course is designed to create a supportive environment. We want all women fleet professionals to be able to make their voice and views heard, sharing with them a toolkit that makes public speaking a skill that can be learnt, honed and repeated.”

To access course details, click here.

The AFP is exhibiting at the 2023 Great British Fleet Event on 25 April at the Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes. Free registrations are open here.

Written by Natalie Middleton

Natalie has worked as a fleet journalist for over 20 years, previously as assistant editor on the former Company Car magazine before joining Fleet World in 2006. Prior to this, she worked on a range of B2B titles, including Insurance Age and Insurance Day. As Business Editor, Natalie ensures the group websites and newsletters are updated with the latest news.

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